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Preparation and Recommendations for the Lumbosacral Spine, SimpleAbdomen, Sacroiliac X-rays, Scoliosis Test on Digital X-ray Equipment

1. Instructive’s Name​

Preparation and recommendations for lumbosacral spine, simple abdomen, sacroiliac X-rays, scoliosis test on digital X-ray equipment.

2. Scope and Field of Application​

This type of study applies only to sites that have digital X-ray equipment.

3. Development​

It is a medical test that uses the emission of electromagnetic radiation (X-rays) to build body images; which are evaluated by the radiologist, to determine the shape and structure of hard tissues such as bone.

3.1 Preparations and Recommendations Before the Study

  • Eat a light lunch and dinner, such as chicken soup alone, ground beef, mashed potatoes or potato chips, crackers or gelatin, accompanied by plenty of liquids, such as juices and tea in water throughout the day
  • If you are pregnant or think you are pregnant or breastfeeding, immediately notify the radiology staff before preparation.
  • Do not consume dairy products or soft drinks.
  • Do not stop control medications.

3.2 Preparations and Recommendations The Examination Day:

  • Continue drinking plenty of liquids such as panela water, juice or aromatic beverages. Remember not to consume dairy or soda.
  • Take your medications at the times you already have established.
  • If you have the results of previous exams related to this procedure, you must take them on the day of the exam.

3.2 Recommendations During the Study​:

  • The following metal objects must be removed to enter the examination room: jewelry, watches, pins, hair clips, metal zippers or any other metal object.
  • You must avoid making movements while the study is being done.
  • Pay attention to the instructions of the health personnel.

3.3 Post-Study Recommendations​

  • After the completion of the study, the patient can continue with the usual lifestyle.



By taking these recommendations into account, you will contribute to a correct diagnosis.