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clínica UPB

Preparation for Discharge

The Doctor decides and communicates to the patient the day he will be discharged. It is very important that at that time, you inform the family or guardian to go to the Clinic as soon as possible.

Remember to ask your Doctor and the Nurse for:​

  • The medications you must take, schedule, dose, administration route, and duration.
  • The diet that should be followed.
  • Cures or care with drains or probes and other special attention.
  • The exercises and reincorporation to daily activities.
  • The review appointment, when and where.
  • Warning signs.
  • The medical excuse.

Documents You Must Claim to the Nurse:​

  • Doctor's prescription and exam orders.
  • X-rays and special exams.
  • Medical excuse and the summary of Patient's history.
  • Order for medical review.
  • Leftover drugs.
  • Discharge authorization.

Departure or Voluntary Discharge: 

The patient has the right to voluntarily withdraw from the Clinic at the time he or she wishes, either due to disagreement with the treatment or for some other reason; for this purpose, the patient must sign a document where he assumes the responsibility and the consequences of leaving the institution without the corresponding medical authorization.