Spiritual and Family Accompaniment
The chapel is located on the first floor and is permanently available to users. In accordance with its Christian philosophy, the Clinic offers daily services of the Catholic religion: Eucharist, Communion, Confession, Anointing of the Sick, Emergency Baptism, and Spiritual Counseling.
For the spiritual assistance of other churches or cults, the patient or his family must provide, to the floor nurse, the telephone number and name of the person to be called according to the place of assignment of the patient to the respective church.
Similarly, the Clinic has professionals in Psychology and Social Work, as a support to family dynamics to make critical decisions or face painful situations
Innovation for the Soul
This weekly activity allows the patient and his family to generate spaces for reflection, as well as spiritual and emotional support, facing the health and disease process.
Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Group
The Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Group of the Clinica Universitaria Bolivariana was created with the support of the Health Sciences School since 1995.
All those people who voluntarily wish to take out ambulatory treatment for their illness with alcohol, addiction to psychoactive substances or gambling, regardless of their gender, age, religion, political affinity, social security or stratum can belong to it.
It has an interdisciplinary approach and pretends to increase self-consciousness of the addiction disease to enable the process of abstinence. To fulfill this purpose, people, in addition to attending the group, must have an individual therapeutic consultation with the psychiatrist, and additionally with family therapy, to involve their members in the treatment process. There are also support professionals in psychology and toxicology. This is a free cost program.
For more information, you can call contact us at: (57 4) 445 59 00 Ext. 1815
Volunteer Group
The Clinic has an association of volunteers formed since 2001, which supports the activities of attention to the user facing the specific needs of patients and their families during their stay at the Clinic.
The volunteer group carries out group and individual activities accompanying the staff of the Clinic to improve the patient's experience during their stay.
User Association
The Clinic's User Association, whose origin was given in 2004, was formed by a group of patients who work for the fulfillment of their rights through the identification of the needs and expectations of users, seeking to improve levels of satisfaction in care and the achievement of their duties.
The user association supports the customer assistance process in the performance of oversights, accompaniment to hospitalized patients, and disclosure of users´ duties and rights.
If you have been a patient of the Clinic, we invite you to be part of our association, by writing to atencionalusuario@upb.edu.co or by calling (57 4) 445 59 00 Ext. 1201-1203
Pastoral Health Program
Through training in health and the hospital world, the Clinic contributes to the formation of Health Pastoral Agents of the Archdiocese of Medellin who work in their communities as Pastoral Agents and Caregivers, providing educational tools that allow them to contribute to the physical and spiritual support of patients and their families.
Playful and Accompanying Activities for Patients and their Families
The Clinic has several support groups that, through the game, carry out activities of accompaniment and backing to patients and their families, allowing them to take advantage of the time during hospitalization and improving the state of mind in their illness.
Current programs:
- Aquí Leo (Here I Read): Seeks to promote pleasant and recreational spaces through reading aloud, based on the guidelines for libraries at the service of hospital patients, the elderly, and the disabled.
- Abuelos Cuenta Cuentos (Grandparents Tell Tales): Grandmothers, through reading aloud, seek to transmit values to maternal patients, who must remain hospitalized for a long time.
- Palabras que Acompañan (Accompanying Words): Through playful spaces around reading, writing, music, and conversation, the program pursues to contribute to improving the quality of life of children during their stay.
- Manualidades (Crafts): The group of volunteers meets in the waiting room for maternity services with patients who have been hospitalized for a long time, and they teach them how to knit and make their trousseau for their babies (hat, mittens, T-shirts, among others).
- Clown Contigo (A Clown With You): Through laughter and passive recreation, we contribute to making the hospital environment more pleasant for our patients. The goal is to transform your experience, as well as your families through pleasant moments during your stay.