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clínica UPB

Preparation and Recommendations for Breast Biopsy – Ultrasound-Guided Trucut Breast Biopsy

1. Instructive’s name​

Preparation and recommendations for Breast Biopsy - Breast Biopsy by Trucut Guided by Ultrasound.

2. Scope and Field of Application​

Applies to all services of diagnostic images and medical services nationwide in which a breast biopsy with a trucut needle, guided by ultrasound, is performed.

3. Development​

The procedure consists in obtaining tissue samples from the organ under study to send to pathology. The procedure is performed using ultrasound to guide the needle through which the tissue is obtained, which adds security to the procedure

3.1 Preparations and Recommendations Before the Study​

Read carefully and follow these recommendations in preparation for the exam:

  • Do not eat or drink food or liquids during the 6 hours prior to the procedure.
  • Attend the procedure with an adjusted bra.
  • The following medications should be discontinued if you use them: aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, or anticoagulants (for example warfarin or Coumadin) 10 days before the test; this suspension must be guided and handled by your treating doctor.
  • You must stop all homeopathic medicines such as Ginkgo biloba, fatty acids, omega 3, vitamin E, or green tea.
  • If you are taking control medications for high blood pressure, epilepsy, diabetes or other diseases that do not require anticoagulation, you should continue taking them with water even on the day of the test.
  • You must bring the medical chart and the results and the images of exams that you have done previously and that are related to the procedure (magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasounds, pathologies, etc.).
  • Must attend the exam with a responsible adult and without disabilities.
  • Bring the results of the following laboratory tests: PT, PTT, INR, and platelet count. They have been made in less than a month.
  • If you are hospitalized or receiving anticoagulation therapy you should bring the most recent results of PT, PTT, and INR and consult with your treating doctor, who must authorize the suspension. This authorization must be written; if not, the procedure will be suspended.


3.2 Recommendations During the Study​


  • The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.
  • Remain in recovery for a time no longer than 1 hour.
  • You must remain still while the biopsy is being performed.


3.3 Post-Study Recommendations​


  • Relative rest (do not exert effort) for 24 hours after taking the biopsy is recommended.
  • Place local ice to reduce the risk of bleeding.
  • Remove band-aid or dressing from the puncture site the next day.


By taking these recommendations into account, you will contribute to a correct diagnosis.