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clínica UPB
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Step by Step Information

The Clinic has a broad portfolio of medical and surgical specialties that allows us to offer comprehensive and personalized care for the International Patient according to their needs, with quality and clinical safety standards. 

We have an International Patient Office to support and coordinate, in a permanent and personalized way, the care process in our Institution. 

When the patient is admitted to our Clinic through an Insurer, the staff of our International Patient Office guarantees timely processing of the authorizations required by the patient before, during, and after the care. 

Step by step information 

If you want to request our services, here we explain how to do it: 

1. Contact the appointment center at +(574) 448 83 88, option 2. 

2. If you prefer, you can send an email to   clinicaupb.internacional@upb.edu.co   with the following information to answer your request: contact telephone and email.

3. The user will receive a response to the email, where it will be indicated appointment availability in the specialty requested and the value (in Colombian pesos) of the service requested. Note: the patient must confirm their attendance. 

4. To consider: 

a. Processes such as lodging, transportation, among others, run entirely on behalf of the user. 

b. Control appointments (read those after the first consultation) may be requested directly with the International Patient Office or through the Appointment Center at + (574) 448 83 88 (option 2).