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clínica UPB

Education for Health

The Clinica Universitaria Bolivariana, committed in its model of care to meet the needs and expectations of its users, conducts education activities for patients and their families, aimed at establishing better health conditions, allowing them a humanized and quality experience with the services provided.

In this sense, the promotion of health is conceived as the process that allows people to increase control over their health to improve it; in this way, education for health is used as a strategy aimed at improving knowledge and developing skills that lead to individual and community health.

This process aims to implement the information, education, and communication (IEC) strategy at the Clinica Universitaria Bolivariana, based on the patient-centered model of care, to promote healthy lifestyle habits, consolidate behavioral changes, and prevent the appearance of the illness.

In this way, the best health care can be offered in a safe, compassionate and humanized environment, to strengthen health care through participation in education processes that improve health and well-being conditions in the different audiences that the institution serves.

In this sense, the Clinic develops this process in compliance with the established in its strategic guidelines, which expresses the commitment of the Clinic with the projection and social responsibility to contribute to the transformation of its stakeholders.